Software Development Approaches

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Software development is not a continuous process, but it consists of several mandatory steps. A set of effective tools and practices is essential to organize the workflow for everyone’s maximum benefit. That is why, when you are choosing a development team, you need to focus not only on their experience and qualifications but also on the software development management best practices it uses.
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The software development market offers a fairly large selection of software development management tools. Each of the methodologies that are used in the software development process has its peculiarities of use. That is why, when choosing a specific organizational practice, we need to take into account all possible factors that can affect the process and the result of work.
Why is choosing the best practice software development management so important? Because, without exaggeration, the result of cooperation between the customer and the developers depends on it. Without using a development methodology, it can be somewhat difficult to organize a workflow without using a development methodology. Such practices are necessary for effective cooperation with the customer. Especially considering that, in 2021, the number of people working full-time has decreased.
The use of certain software development management systems has several more advantages:
- Helps to structure the development process.
- Facilitates effective communication between the customer and the developers.
- Makes it possible to develop a clear project roadmap with the precise distribution of roles for each team member.
- Helps to optimize the time and cost of creating the project and accelerate its time to market.
- Makes it possible to use the most effective tools for work and automate routine work processes.
The choice of the best software development management tools directly depends on the team’s experience and qualifications, the client’s needs, and the project’s complexity. Nowadays, many practices can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding clients. Let’s dive into the world of software development methodologies with Dinarys.
What Is SDLC?
Before proceeding directly to studying the features of software development management policies, let’s deviate from the topic a little and look at the concept of the development life cycle.
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is a collection of several processes that can be distinguished in the main process of product development. Simply put, it is a certain number of practical steps that developers follow in creating a software product. The number of these steps is determined by the complexity of the project and the client's requirements, so it may vary from one project to another.
SDLC typically consists of several standard practices that are part of a software development management plan. The main purpose of the product life cycle is to divide a complex workflow into several stages, which makes it possible to simplify the task. SDLC also makes it possible to:
- Structure the workflow and draw up a clear work plan for the whole team.
- Simplify the implementation of a complex task and quickly eliminate possible errors and shortcomings in work.
- Make a preliminary forecast of the final result of the whole team’s work.
The SDLC model is useful for organizing the work of everyone who participates in the project. However, it should not be confused with the concept of the SDLC process since there is a slight difference between the two. The concept of a life cycle model is most commonly used to refer to development team methodologies. On the other hand, the SDLC process is a specific development technique chosen by the developers as the main working tool.
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SDLC Phases
We have already mentioned that the software development life cycle consists of several interrelated steps. This is necessary for the SDLC model to fit more harmoniously into the best software development management tools selected by the developers.
The number of required steps in the software development life cycle depends on the complexity of the project and the client’s needs. As a rule, the process of working on a software product includes 6-8 mandatory stages. Each has its independent purpose, but some stages can be combined if the project allows it.
Preliminary analysis
This phase of the workflow is preparatory to the main work. At this stage, the developers get acquainted with the project’s main idea, the primary and secondary tasks are determined, and an assessment of the resources and time required for their implementation is carried out. The customer’s ideas are discussed. The development team can make their suggestions and recommendations, which will further help in the implementation of the project. Typically, all the results of these discussions and work planning are recorded in a specification of requirements, an official document.
Design development
At this stage, the customer’s and developers’ abstract ideas get a genuine embodiment in the layout of the future software product. At this stage of work, specialists develop the architecture of the future application, its interface features, choose the platform and programming languages, designate the methods and ways of interaction between the future product and other programs, and so on. This stage makes it possible to see the practical implementation of the future product and identify its first imperfections.
This phase of the workflow is one of the most important. It is at this stage that the developers directly create the software, which is the basis of the future application. Specialists work on each component of the future software according to their specialization. Important: All the future software components must comply with the previously approved specification so that there are no disagreements with the customer when the finished project is handed over.
The main goal of this stage is to find and timely eliminate possible errors in the operation of both individual components and the software as a whole. Some developers use a combination of live development and production testing to optimize their workflow a bit. Experts use various types of checks that are consistent with best practice software development management. It should be borne in mind that the testing process is continuous. It is done to avoid errors in the project at any stage of its development.
This project phase presents users with a trial version of the future product. This means that users can install the software on their devices, use its basic options and leave their feedback about working with it. After collecting the necessary data, the developers make the required changes to the operation of the product so that it meets the requirements of the customer and users as much as possible.
Market entry and further maintenance
This is the final stage of development, during which the completed product is already working at its full potential. However, for developers, this stage is also important, as errors may appear here that were not detected during testing. To eliminate them, additional development and changes in the operation of software components may be required.
Various methodologies are used at all stages of software development – flexible, sequential, or iterative. The use of each of them makes it possible to optimize the workflow as a whole, facilitate the work on individual software components, and manage the project according to its life cycle.
The software development life cycle is a rather laborious process that requires a lot of time and effort on the part of developers. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the assigned tasks and their compliance with the chosen work practices, including open source software development management. If you choose the Dinarys team to work on your project, you can always be sure that all your requirements and wishes will be met in full and under the best work practices.
When Objectives Are Unknown: Adaptive Software Development
Choosing the best software development management policy can be tricky, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to solve. We have already repeatedly stressed that selecting a particular technology for organizing the software development process depends primarily on the complexity of the project and the client’s needs. For you to make an informed choice, Dinarys invites you to learn a little more about each of them.
Among all types of technologies for work, including free software development management tools, adaptive technologies attract particular attention from customers and developers. They have earned their popularity due to their flexibility and the ability to quickly make changes to the project, especially if the ultimate goal of the development is not completely clear to the client or the developers.
The main advantages of adaptive technologies include:
- Adaptability to the needs of the project, regardless of the level of its complexity.
- The ability to quickly make the required changes.
- Continuous testing and work on individual software components.
Among the frequently used tools, Agile software development tools are of particular interest. At the heart of this methodology is the gradual development of the self-organizing work of several cross-functional teams. As a result, the customer receives a minimum viable product, which is then gradually refined until it turns out the way all participants in the development process want it to be.
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Agile software development as a methodology of work is suitable for those cases when the customer has an uncertain vision of the final result, or the project is so complex that it is impossible to predict what the final product will be. This approach to development ensures that the budget allocated for the development of the project will not be wasted. Some software development experts insist that Agile is not just a methodology but a whole system of thinking that is focused on the people involved in the development process.
The Agile software development management methodology is based on the so-called 12 principles, the essence of which can be briefly explained as follows:
- cooperation between all team members, as well as customers, at all stages of the project;
- constant work to improve the product;
- openness to any changes, even at the later stages of software development;
- motivation – the best basis for working in a development team;
- work on the project must be continuous;
- the best indicator of the effectiveness of cooperation between the customer and the developers is a software product;
- simplicity is the basis of a reliable software product.
The Agile software development methodology is the most popular with developers worldwide. According to experts, only in 2020, 71% of companies around the world began to use this methodology, and this indicator will only grow in the future. This indicates that flexible software development technologies will gradually replace linear ones. The use of the Agile approach in work will become the new norm in the organization of the overall workflow.
At least 50 popular enterprise Agile software development management frameworks are used in the software development process. Dinarys invites you to learn about the specifics of some of the most demanded frameworks on the modern market.
We can safely say that this framework is one of the most popular with developers who use Agile methodologies for organizing work. According to some reports, the Scrum methodology is used in 56% of companies, and it is especially popular with teams working remotely. At its core, Scrum is a lightweight yet complex development framework that can be used not only directly to create a product but also for its delivery and further technical support.
By using the principles of iteration and incrementation, Scrum provides many benefits for everyone involved in the workflow. Namely:
More reliable communication between the customer and the developers. Customers can be confident that their ideas or requirements will be heard and taken into account at all stages of work on a project while introducing new features will take much less time than with using linear technologies.
The ability to minimize low-value transactions. By introducing this technology into the work, developers can reduce the number of unnecessary operations and focus on essential tasks. In the work process, you can use several possible scenarios and, in the end, choose the most effective one.
Convenient tracking of progress at all stages of work on the product. According to some developers, using Scrum technology in work makes it possible to plan and track work results at all levels. This not only helps in the development of team productivity but also makes it possible to quickly find and correct errors.
Another advantage of Scrum is that it runs faster. The entire workflow is divided into so-called sprints, making it possible to complete certain tasks much faster. A group of specialists works on each task, making it possible to work on several software components simultaneously.
All necessary requests are marked as user history that describes the functions required by the software. The term “technical history” introduces support features and is an integral part of the product backlog. In working on histories, continuous testing is carried out to detect errors in the operation of the software.
Even though the Scrum technology assumes the presence of mandatory requirements for the execution of work tasks, there are no mandatory rules for how exactly these requirements should look like. It also gives developers some leeway without wasting valuable work time filling out the documentation.
Another popular software development management tool’s open source methodology is Kanban. It is a more efficient method of organizing work, which aims to optimize work processes according to the available power of the tools while further improving problem areas at all levels of the product. When software is developed using the Kanban methodology, a special place is given to visualizing the workflow using so-called Kanban boards.
They not only represent the levels and elements of a project, but they are also an effective work tool for keeping track of the entire workflow.
Unlike Scrum, Kanban is based on the principle of incrementation, which makes it possible to work on individual software components at a convenient time for developers without any time constraints. That is, each work item becomes a priority at a certain stage in the development cycle and is completed only when a certain capacity is reached to perform the following tasks. This provides flexibility in working on a project but does not limit the execution time for specific stages of work.
Like other agile work methodologies, Kanban provides effective communication both with the customer and between members of the development team. Thanks to Kanban boards, you can track each stage of the workflow, monitor the overall progress, and adapt the development to the project’s changing needs.
Lean development
Many software development management books call Lean technology one of the most effective agile methodologies. It aims to streamline the workflow while increasing efficiency for everyone involved. It is based on several principles:
- High quality of customer service – all operations that are of little importance to the interests of the client should be eliminated from the workflow, namely: excessive stocks, defects, excessive transportation, etc.;
- Continuous learning – the members of the development team must constantly improve their knowledge and skills to ultimately offer the client the best product that meets their requirements;
- Deferred decision making – i.e., the final decision on the project must be made only when a successful result has been ensured;
- Fast delivery of a software product – the fewer unnecessary operations are incorporated into the work of the software, the better its performance and delivery to the client;
- Compliance with customer’s requirements – work on a project can be completed only when all the wishes of the customer have been implemented in the work of its constituent components.
Lean is one of the best agile development practices for a reason. Its application makes it possible not only to track all stages of the project and maintain communication with the customer but also to reduce the budget costs for its implementation. In addition, it also helps to optimize the overall workflow and achieve positive results in significantly less time.
Extreme programming (XP)
Extreme programming is an agile practice that focuses on software development management software to improve the quality of the product being created. The main emphasis in these practices is placed on meeting the technical requirements for creating software while simultaneously quickly responding to changes in the requirements for the final result.
At the heart of XP is a set of related work practices that are more effective when applied simultaneously. These practices include, for example, developing an intuitive design, continuous integration of all software components, adherence to generally accepted coding standards, continuous checking for errors and bugs, and much more.
With extreme programming, you can be sure that its stages will exactly match the entire project life cycle stages. At the same time, it enables developers to make adjustments at all stages of work on the product. Like other agile methodologies, extreme programming provides communication between the customer and developers, as well as the ability to track the progress of basic work tasks in stages.
Agile methodologies, in general, enable developers to make changes to their workflow without unnecessary effort. In doing so, they ensure effective communication with customers. The experience of the Dinarys team confirms the effectiveness of these popular methodologies, as every client can see for themselves.
When Objectives Are Known: Predictive Software Development
The best software development management books analyze adaptive software development methodologies and their opposite counterpart – the so-called linear methodologies. Although most companies and customers choose agile methodologies for their projects, linear workflow technologies have not lost their former importance.
Linear methodologies, also called waterfall methodologies, have several advantages:
- The ability to set clear objectives at the beginning of project development.
- The accuracy and consistency of the team’s work.
- Smoother transition from one development stage to another.
- Strict adherence to current software development standards.
These methodologies are suitable for projects that have a clear understanding of the end result. It can be very difficult to make changes at any stage, so the developers pay a lot of attention to conducting a preliminary analysis before starting work to avoid all kinds of unforeseen situations. The distinctive features of predictive methodologies also include a large number of working documents and strict adherence to time frames. This makes it possible to control the entire workflow from start to finish, even if a large team is involved.
As with adaptive methodologies, there are quite a few working frameworks that are applied as linear methodologies. Dinarys offers you a quick tour of the main types of predictive methodologies that are used by developers.
Iterative and incremental development
If you search the internet for information on software development management policies, you are sure to find something on iterative and incremental technologies. This method of software development is based on repetitive cycles of work on individual components, which makes it possible to track the correctness of the entire work cycle. It also helps developers build on the experience gained from developing earlier versions of the software product.
The combination of iterative and incremental development creates many benefits for developers:
- Conducting parallel development of multiple software components;
- Receiving a fully working module at every stage of the project;
- Tracking team performance;
- Managing potential risks that may arise at any stage of development.
Iterative and incremental methodologies can be used in both predictive and adaptive workflow methodologies. They help to optimize the team’s work and reduce the delivery time of the finished product to the client. At the same time, the exact observance of standards and requirements is carried out at every stage of the work.
Spiral development
Spiral development is a project risk management model that identifies all kinds of unique risks for each project. It is impossible to determine the number of risks in advance because it varies for each project. Nevertheless, based on the preliminary analysis data, it is possible to determine their approximate number and the most effective scenarios for their elimination.
The use of the spiral model in the software development process is essential because it ensures the stability of the project. In addition, it can be used for:
- handling risks in projects where their exact number cannot be predicted in advance;
- selecting the most effective solutions to eliminate and minimize risks;
- planning work at all stages of the workflow followed by a smooth transition;
- adding flexibility to the project, taking into account risks and budget costs.
Unlike many other waterfall methodologies, the spiral model is quite flexible and provides support for communication with the customer at all stages of software development. It is suitable for large projects that require frequent launches of individual components and minimum viable prototypes. At the same time, the spiral model can be used not only for direct work on a project but also for planning the main stages of its life cycle.
Among the various methodologies of software development management, the V-model takes a special place. The V-model is a multi-level linear development where all stages of development are conducted not in order from top to bottom but like a branched structure. At each key phase of the project, the components are tested simultaneously.
This software development model is considered one of the strictest ones used by developers. Its key features include:
- Strict sequence.
- Mandatory testing of software components at each stage of work.
- Clear time frames for completing tasks.
- Mandatory collection of preliminary analytical data.
The V-model makes it possible to work on complex and voluminous projects that may require the efforts of a significant number of cross-platform teams of specialists.
The Dinarys development team is always committed to meeting customer requirements. Therefore, the company's specialists use various methodologies in their work that will help to implement projects of varying complexity, including those for e-commerce.
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What Software Development Models Dinarys Adheres To
Clients can contact our company with a project of any complexity. Our specialists use only the most effective methodologies according to books on software development management. Depending on the project’s specifics, we use both adaptive and predictive methodologies. Agile, Agile Scrum iterative, and incremental methodologies are the most popular methodologies.
What are the benefits of using these technologies in our work? Our clients can be confident that their requirements will be met regardless of the stage of the project. They will also receive comprehensive answers to all their questions from a team of qualified specialists. In addition, the search for the most effective solutions for the implementation of the project will not stop until the release of the finished software product. All the terms of work will be adhered to exactly and without delay.
The experience and qualifications of the Dinarys development team are confirmed by numerous clients who are enjoying the benefits of cooperation with our developers. Regardless of the specifics of the project, the principles of the work remain unchanged. Contact us to see it for yourself!
Read more in our blog Fintech Software Development: What to Consider?.
The popularity of adaptive software development methodologies is growing. This is due to the flexibility of the main tools and the ability to make the necessary changes regardless of the development stage. Nevertheless, this does not mean that linear software development technologies are worse: it is just that each of these methodologies has its peculiarities of use.
To make the correct choice of software development methodology, first of all, we need to determine the features of the project itself, its basic requirements, and the level of complexity. It is also necessary to take into account the needs of the customers towards the result. Experts from our development team will help you to determine which methodology is best suited for the implementation of a particular project.
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