E-Commerce Apr 19, 2021

How to Write an eCommerce Business Plan for Your Startup

Jane Vyshnova

Jane Vyshnova



How to Write an eCommerce Business Plan for Your Startup


  1. The Basics and Purpose of Business Plan for Online Store
  2. Business Plans for Online Stores
  3. Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template
  4. Conclusion

A business requires proper planning before implementation and any further development. eCommerce business planning makes things easy for startup owners who would also perform the strategy in real life. Sure, an organization plan might sound easy, at first, but there are certain rules to follow once you get going.

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eCommerce has risen rapidly in 2022. It almost feels like homework or an assignment to write an agenda of your enterprise. Of course, the plan is different for an offline establishment than the online startups.

The Basics and Purpose of Business Plan for Online Store

The Basics and Purpose of Business Plan for Online Store

There is a plan for a venture that consists of all the characteristics in a particular format. Mostly, bank provides a loan based on this write-up to set up the industry. In the U.S., it is recommended to provide a proposal of about 40-50 pages in order to be effective at convincing the authorities.

Such plans are quite formal, detailed and accurate. They may also contain financial analysis with forecasting. A merchandising strategy gives you a direction to follow and helps you analyze whether the idea is profitable or not.

Building a strategy and strictly implementing it is crucial. Listed below are some other points that will explain its importance:

Business Plans for Online Stores

Business Plans for Online Stores

An online store business plan consists of various parts, including a checklist of your business. All these parts can be further subdivided based on the size of the shop and the stuff offered. You must remember that, while describing them, you need to be specific, thorough, and honest. Now, let us go through the components one by one:

1. Start with a summary

An executive summary will elucidate your business in short and will consist of a quick analysis. It also involves the main points of the other parts of the later-described plan. Some of the things that must be included are:

2. Describe your company

This part will include detailed information of your business. Details that may be a part of this point can be the manufactured items or services that the company is dealing with, the target audience, and the benefits that the company will have (in the form of a brief financial report). In this synopsis, you must include:

Business Plans for Online Stores image

3. Add illustrations of products

You already provided a brief synopsis of your company, so you must have mentioned the amenities which you are going to provide. Now, this segment will provide a detailed view of the service within the company. The major points you must incorporate are:

4. Analyze the marketing opportunities (Target Audience)

This is an important component that should be written carefully. You must perform deep research regarding your targeted clientele. The supply method should also be included in the scrutiny. This part requires you to give finer details concerning the clients who will buy from you.

The main wings to be covered are:

5. Operations in your business

You need a plan for your operations to work properly. There are different directions in which your work will be distributed and you have to make sure everything goes smoothly. The agenda will organize all your operations based on priority and departments:

6. Assessment of your finances

A financial report of your past sales or a report of your investments should be included. This is important for stakeholders, as they must be convinced that this deal will bring them profit. The following should be considered:

7. Proposal for funding

If this report is meant for you to receive funding from stakeholders, you should provide a brief paragraph stating how important it is for your enterprise to receive the finances, as well as a reason why they should give you the funds (on what basis):

Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template

It is not enough to know the points that must be considered. Visual memory has been said to be the best. We will show you some examples that will assist you to understand the exact structure.

Preparing the plan by just writing it out makes it look boring, so you may add some color to it by adding figures. It makes understanding the financial stuff easier. Also, such a presentation is visually attractive and more preferred. In your financial analysis section, you can add several figures using a special online chart tool that will explain what is going on with your company.


Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template

Example #1

Here is an exemplar of a business plan for an online shopping website - you may go through the whole business plan template by clicking here. It is this plan, for Instant, that also provides solutions related to software.

Your financial report should look something like this. You should divide your budgets into several parts like past financial status and projections, and present it in such a tabular form. Of course, some figures within those tables will also prove to be helpful.

Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template 2

Example #2

Here is a perfect business plan for eCommerce startup that was intended for an investor to finance the organization. It is quite detailed and well presented, and it is also a startup plan. They mentioned their requirements in point with the costs, which makes it clear how important the funding is to the company and how much profits can be earned. A full version of the template is available here.

Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template 3

Example #3

Here is a PDF version of a perfect business agenda by pipedream.com. It is well explained and quite detailed with more points and some other details. You can just click the link and review their plan.

Read more in our blog The Best E-commerce Books for Online Entrepreneurs in 2023.


Once you perceive the importance of an agenda and how to develop one, the important points might change according to size and the merchandise you are selling. A business plan for an online shop will show you the right direction and performance. Some of the extra pieces of a business plan can include competition, strategic partners, website and technology, and an overview of the management team.

If you encounter any questions regarding your plan, you can contact Dinarys to get assistance with these types of solutions. If you are stuck when starting from scratch on the plan, rest assured that the team will show you the right direction. Just contact us to write your scheme and get going!

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