We are proud to be technology agnostic and have partnerships with a wide variety of best-of-breed technology providers and different like-minded e-commerce companies. It enables us to recommend the right solution, for the right client, at the right time.
Out partners
JTL-Software-GmbH is a provider of innovative software for online trading. With more than 35,000 customers and over 200 partners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, JTL Software is one of the leading manufacturers of e-commerce software in the German-speaking region.
Lightning-Fast Frontend Platform for Headless Commerce. Boost your site performance, shape the customer journey and free your developer's creativity with Vue Storefront, the last frontend you will ever need.
Nosto is the most effective way to build and launch personalized marketing campaigns without the need for dedicated IT resources. Nosto ensures that your rich data isn't being locked away in silos, but can be accessed and utilized efficiently through one complete personalization solution.
AMS Pilot automatisiert die Verwaltung von Amazon-Anzeigen für veröffentlichte Autoren und Verlagsagenturen mit Hilfe von speziell entwickelten Algorithmen mit einem Klick.
BigCommerce, ein börsennotiertes Unternehmen, das an der NASDAQ notiert ist, ist ein bedeutender Akteur im Bereich des elektronischen Handels. Dieses Kraftpaket bietet eine umfassende Palette von Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-Lösungen, die auf die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse von Einzelhändlern zugeschnitten sind. Die vielseitige Plattform von BigCommerce umfasst eine Reihe wichtiger Funktionen wie die nahtlose Erstellung von Online-Shops, robuste Tools für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung, zuverlässige Hosting-Services und innovative Marketing- und Sicherheitslösungen. Diese Angebote richten sich an Unternehmen aller Größenordnungen, von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) bis hin zu Großunternehmen.
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We provide powerful tools to let entrepreneurs confidently launch, manage, and scale their B2B and B2C businesses. Our future-proof technology gives clients a commerce platform that’s endlessly flexible and extensible, while native integrations with Adobe products like Analytics, Target, Experience Manager, and Creative Cloud help take personalization to the next level.
Shopware offers you cutting-edge, highly adaptable e-commerce solutions trusted by the world's most acclaimed brands. Create outstanding customer experiences, innovate fast, and accelerate your growth in the ever-evolving space of digital commerce. You decide how far you want to go, and we'll be by your side.
Qlerify is a remote co-editing workspace that dramatically reduces the time and effort needed to define and document business domains and new software features. It supports powerful tools such as Event Storming, BEAM (Business Event Analysis and Modelling), User Story Mapping and Business Process Modelling.